Research Project

Research Project
Optimal Fractional-Order PID Controller based on Fractional-Order Actor-Critic Algorithm
Abstract This project proposes an online optimization approach for a fractional-order PID controller using a fractional-order actor-critic algorithm (FOPID-FOAC), aiming to enhance the performance of nonlinear systems. The FOPID-FOAC scheme combines the advantages of fractional-order PID controllers and actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithms. The proposed FOAC algorithm employs fractional

Research Project
Optimization of Solar Tree Performance in Egypt: A Simulation-Based Investigation
Abstract This project explores the optimization of solar tree performance in Egypt through the orientation and positioning of solar panels. Solar energy is a crucial and abundant resource in Egypt, and the paper proposes the use of solar trees as a promising solution to harness this energy efficiently. The design process involves two main aspects: optimizing the orientation of solar panels and

Research Project
Wind Turbine Aeroelastic Analysis and Design
As a result of the high demand for clean and sustainable energy resources, increasing the rotor diameter and tower height is the trend of development to capture more energy from the wind. The long flexible blades are sensitive to any vibrations; therefore, the flutter analysis of wind turbine blades became highly required. A lot of research work has been dedicated to studying the flutter phenomena

Research Project
Satellite Analysis and Design
The parametric design and optimization of the satellite composite laminated plates with conventional stacking sequence under static load. We create finite element code using MATLAB software to calculate the deformation of the composite satellite plate. The model has been created to study the effect of changing fiber orientation on the displacement of the composite satellite plate. The MATLAB code

Research Project
Cost-Effective Desalination by Falling-Film Freeze-Concentration with Minimal Environmental Impact
Water resource management is critical for sustainable social development in Egypt amid growing consumption and limited resource options. Recent national water plans have emphasized the strategic rule of nonconventional water supply through desalination. On the other hand, conventional desalination methods have a severe environmental impact due to increases in the temperature and salinity of the

Research Project
Enhancing Heat Transfer in Heat Pipes through Controlled Vibration
Cooling electronic chips and hardware is essential to their safe and reliable operation. Heat pipes are devices that transfer heat between a source and a sink through a phase change process. In this project, the performance of the state-of-the-art heat pipe designs is enhanced through artificially created body force fields that are controlled by vibration and/or centrifugal rotation. Objective

Research Project
A Novel Prototype for Energy Harvesting from Low-speed Wind through Nonlinear Magnetically-assisted Galloping
Energy harvesting from low-speed wind offers a significant opportunity for applications such as remote sensing equipment and charging the batteries of small robots, during the night or underwater. These miniature devices require optimization to operate efficiently. There is a rapid growth in interest in these devices to serve the fast-growing robotics market. The development and optimization of an

Research Project
Characterization, Development, and Life Cycle Analysis of EPS Geofoam for Use under Roadways Embankments
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) or geofoam blocks have long been used as a lightweight, durable, geosynthetic alternative for soil backfills in several infrastructure facilities and geotechnical applications. Recently, EPS was utilized for roadway embankments after assuring safety against acting loads in addition to hydrostatic and buoyancy stability. While satisfying these considerations, the design

Research Project
Post Occupancy Evaluation – From Architecture to Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emissions: The Case Study of Nile University
Sustainability has been one of the major overarching topics across industries over the past few years. Sustainability in the built environment is no exception and given the recent focus on climate change, it cannot be seen as a luxury anymore. However, sustainability should never come at the expense of the convenience of the building users or the architectural aesthetics. Accordingly, this