Research Project
Prediction and mitigation of common steam line hanger failures
Abstract Repeated hanger failures were observed in the steam condenser reject lines of a multi-unit nuclear power station, attributed to shear fractures of the threaded end of the hanger rods. The failures occurred at the same location in the piping run, near a reducer and an elbow where the stream flow changes direction. While condensed steam water slug impact is a possibility, the primary cause

Research Project
Energy harvesting from vibrating flow devices
Abstract A square cylinder may gallop if subjected to fluid flow, experiencing a self-excited vibration mode that can harvest energy for low-power applications. The harvested power is typically low and depends on the upstream flow velocity and system dynamic parameters. In this project, the influence of nonlinear stiffness induced by two repulsive magnetic poles on the galloping response of square

Research Project
Prediction of flow-excited acoustic resonance in coaxial burners
Abstract In this project, numerical analysis models acoustic modes in cavities. Different cavities with various aspect ratios are used. The square cross-section cavity created a spinning mode. However, a small change from the square configuration created an attenuation of the amplitude, which impacts the mode. More importantly, the shear layer changed according to the acoustic mode behavior such

Research Project
Towards Net-Zero Manufacturing by Using Recycling and Upcycling Processes
Abstract The goal of Net-Zero Manufacturing is to reduce the green hous and carbon emissions from manufacturing level to zero or negative levels by 2050 or earlier. This goal can be achieved by applying clean technologies, energy efficiency and carbon capture and storage. There are different and various approaches to reach to Net Zero targets.

Research Project
Conversion of Waste Materials enriched with Carbon into Water-soluble Organic Fertilizers
Abstract Biomass waste is an abundant, renewable, and sustainable resource, derived from various sources like forests, agriculture, and industrial activities. However, its utilization has been limited, with little focus on low-carbon valorization. This work introduces a novel approach to convert wood sawdust, a biomass waste, into 100% water-soluble organic fertilizers through a one-pot

Research Project
Modelling stress-strain curves and forming limit curves using deep learning
Abstract Sheet metal forming is a principal production engineering application, requiring defect-free products with appropriate mechanical properties. Efficient metal forming relies on understanding material behavior during the process. Feasibility studies determine if part design is suitable for manufacturing. Accurate material cards, derived from extensive testing data, are needed to replicate

Research Project
Optimization of the operational energy of tankless water heaters
Abstract "A full three-dimensional numerical model is being performed to study the thermal and hydraulic performance of the heat exchanger inside the tankless water heaters. Heat exchangers with different U shape tube aspect ratios have been numerically tested, to improve durability by reducing occurrences of a blockage, and to maintain higher temperatures on the upper finned coils. Without any

Research Project
Review on Technologies and Applications of Soft Grippers
Abstract Soft robots, particularly soft grippers, are emerging as a practical and cost-effective solution for handling delicate objects and coexisting safely with humans. This paper provides an overview of various soft grasping techniques and materials, highlighting their advantages and limitations. It discusses the potential applications of soft robotic grippers in medicine, agriculture, and

Research Project
Post Occupancy Evaluation –The Case Study of Nile University
Abstract "Sustainability has been one of the major overarching topics across industries over the past few years. Sustainability in the built environment is no exception and given the recent focus on climate change, it cannot be seen as a luxury anymore. However, sustainability should never come at the expense of the convenience of the building users nor on the architectural aesthetics. Accordingly

Research Project
Zero Waste in Construction
Abstract This research track is to study the construction and demolishing waste from different sides; the main reasons of the waste generation and how to avoid it by reducing the waste through the different stages of the construction project, the different methods of reusing the waste in new construction activities during the construction activities, the recycling of the rest of the construction