Research Project
Experimental Study on Sustainable Production of Concrete with Treated Alum Sludge
Objectives: A huge amount of unwanted sludge is produced daily from water and wastewater treatment plants and disposed into landfills which causes numerous environmental challenges. This study aims to investigate the effect of replacing cement by alum sludge on the performance of normal concrete. Incorporating alum sludge in concrete production could be useful in protecting the environment by

Research Project
Academic System Resource Planning: A Fully-Automated Smart Campus/ASRP
Objectives: The project aims at creating a smart automated academic and administrative university environment infiltrating the global perspective of Education Quality and best practices for University Management and Academic System Resource Planning within the HE system in EG through the design and development of a smart digital platform for monitoring, analysis and closed-loop feedback control of

Research Project
Wings Aeroelastic Experimental Analysis Using Piezoelectric Materials
The study of aeroelasticity is very important for any spacecraft vehicles such as aircrafts, missiles, and helicopter rotary plates which are moved in the air, there are two phenomena discussed as follows “Divergence” and “Flutter”. In the present work, we concentrate on the analytical and experimental analysis of wing flutter using wind tunnel testing in addition to flutter suppression using

Research Project
Advanced Meta Material with Different Poisson’s Ratio
Objective/Contributions: Finite element analysis using Ansys or MATLAB with different Meta Material structures. Apply additive manufacturing techniques to produce the newly designed material. Apply manufactured material in real-life applications like Robotic arm materials.

Research Project
Application of Bioplastic Composites in Wastewater Treatment
Objective/Contributions: Due to rapid urbanization, a huge amount of industrial waste has been discharged into the Aqua systems without any conventional treatment causing serious contamination problems affecting not only the environment but also human health. Industrial discharges include pharmaceutical waste, heavy metals, dyes, and toxic pollutants waste that are not efficiently removed by

Research Project
Mechanical, Physical Testing and Optimization of Bioplastic Membranes from Agricultural and Food Waste
Objective/Contributions: The effects of plastic pollution on land and marine plastic are magnified by the lack of adequate waste management systems and non-biodegradable plastics pose significant risks to human health and the environment. The proposed project will be based on a comparative study between oxo-degradable, and biodegradable composites. The study will include mechanical testing

Research Project
High Efficiency Solar Cells Using Wide Bandgap Organic Materials
Objective/Contributions: Egypt faces a major problem in providing adequate amounts of energy from oil and natural gas. These two non-renewable sources of energy contribute to 95% of the total energy resources needed for generating electricity. Although Egypt has a reserve in these primary sources, there is a shortage in demand due to fast utilization and the increased cost of extraction. According

Research Project
Parabolic Trough Collector for Home Applications
One of the challenges results from climate change is the shortage in electricity networks. The crises result from the climate change along with the repercussions of Covid-19 make it important to rely more on clean energy sources such as Parabolic Trough Collectors (PTCs- are parabolic shape reflectors that reflects the sun energy into a central tube in the focal point), Solar (Photovoltaic) cells

Research Project
Manufacturing Green Corrosion Inhibitors and Paints from Different Agricultural Waste
Objective/Contributions: Metal corrosion is a global problem because of its impact on large sectors of life, including highways and bridges, Buildings, oil and gas, chemical treatment, water, and wastewater treatment, as well as a serious threat to the environment and human health. Corrosion is a natural phenomenon where metals and alloys try to return to their more stable thermodynamic form due

Research Project
An Optimization Model for Green Supply Chain Management Using Powersim Simulation Software
Objective/Contributions: The term sustainable or green supply chain refers to the idea of integrating sustainable environmental processes into the traditional supply chain. This can include processes such as supplier selection and purchasing material, product design, product manufacturing, and assembling, distribution, and end-of-life management. Instead of mitigating the harmful impact of