Cold flow numerical simulation inside local pottery furnace for different designs for the air inlet
One of the many pleasures of living in Egypt is having the opportunity to visit places like a village called Tunis in El-Fayoum governorate which is a touristic village and export art and handicraft such as Pottery for 3-4 decades. The clay processing in the traditional pottery industry contains several stages. The process and quality of the pottery have to be improved to reduce pollution and the manufacturing round time which could be done through improving the heating process. Towards this goal, turbulent three-dimensional numerical simulations for the in-use air inlet and a modified design
Analysis of Tapered Timoshenko and Euler-Bernoulli Beams on an Elastic Foundation with Moving Loads
Analytic and numeric analysis for deformation of non-prismatic beams resting on elastic foundations
Background: The buckling load as well as the natural frequency under axial load for non-prismatic beam is a changeling problem. Determination of buckling load, natural frequency, and elastic deflection is very important in civil applications. The current paper used both perturbation method (PM), analytic method, and differential quadrature method (DQM), numerical method, to find buckling load and natural frequency with different end supports. The deflection of the beam resting on an elastic foundation under transverse distributed and axial loads is also obtained. Both PM and DQM are used for
Centralized Multi-agent Mobile Robots SLAM and Navigation for COVID-19 Field Hospitals
In this paper we focus on the proof of concept prototype of fully autonomous centralized Multi-Robot System (MRS) consisting of a Hexapod walking robot and a six wheeled mobile robot. Recently, there has been an increasing demand for such systems as they can be involved in several tasks such as collaborative search and rescue, surveillance, monitoring, and disinfecting Field hospitals. To name a few, COVID-19 pandemic showed the weak points in the medical sector around the world, including those in the most advanced nations that had to go through hard decisions due to the lack of medical
Experimental Kinematic Modeling of 6-DOF Serial Manipulator Using Hybrid Deep Learning
According to its significance, robotics is always an area of interest for research and further development. While robots have varying types, design and sizes, the six degrees of freedom (DOF) serial manipulator is a famous robotic arm that has a vast areas of applications, not only in industrial application, but also in other fields such as medical and exploration applications. Accordingly, control and optimization of such robotic arm is crucial and needed. In this paper, different analyses are done on the chosen design of robotic arm. Forward kinematics are calculated and validated, then
Modified fuzzy c-means clustering approach to solve the capacitated vehicle routing problem
Fuzzy C-Means clustering is among the most successful clustering techniques available in the literature. The capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) is one of the most studied NP-hard problems. CVRP has attracted the attention of many researchers due to its importance within the supply chain management field. This study aims to develop a fuzzy c-means clustering heuristic to efficiently solve the CVRP with large numbers of customers by using cluster-first route-second method (CFRS). CFRS is a two-phase technique, where in the first phase customers are grouped into, and in the second phase

FCM-based approach for locating visible videowatermarks
The increased usage demand for digital multimedia has induced significant challenges regarding copyright protection, which is the copy control and proof of ownership. Digital watermarking serves as a solution to these kinds of problems. Among different types of digital watermarking, visible watermarking protects the copyrights effectively, since the approach not only prevents pirates but also visually proves the copyright of the broadcasted video. A visible watermark could be in any location on the frame (corner, center, diagonal, etc.). In addition, it could either completely or partially

Effect of thickness and temperature on flexible organic P3HT:PCBM solar cell performance
A blend of poly 3-hexylthiophene (P3HT) and [6, 6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) is used as a photoactive layer for simulating a bulk heterojunction organic solar using general-purpose photovoltaic device model (GPVDM) software. The optical and electrical performance of the cell had been analyzed by changing the thickness of each layer and substrate material over a range of operating temperatures from -10 °C to - 40 °C. The flexible device exhibits higher PCE compared to a rigid device. The performance of the device was studied using transient simulation at different operating
Develop TE/TM Pass Filters on double-loaded-on-ridge Structure with ITO/TiN for Upstream FTTH Optical Access Networks
In this paper, TE/TM pass filters are introduced as a dual optical multiplexer in the fiber-to-the home (FTTH) uplink transmission. The architecture is implemented at 1330 nm wavelength, with a double-loaded-on-ridge structure. In the TE pass filter, TM mode couples with plasmonic mode while TE mode is guided through the core with low losses due to the effect of the two plasmonic materials. The TM mode is directed through the heart, though, in the TM pass filter. Transparent conductive oxides (TCOs) as Indium Tin Oxide (ITO), in addition to Titanium Nitride (TiN) are proposed as plasmonic

Modelling of agent-based vehicle routing problem using unified modelling language
The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is among the most studied optimization problems in the field of supply chain management. Typically, VRP requires dispatching a fleet of vehicles from a central depot to deliver demand to pre-determined spatially dispersed customers, with the objective of minimizing the total routing cost, and the constraint of not exceeding vehicles' capacities. Agent Based Modelling (ABM) assists industries in the use of technology to support their decision-making process. This paper proposes a model of an Agent Based Vehicle Routing Problem System. The system under study is
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